Yahoo! Axis - New Visual Browser From Yahoo! Released

Yahoo! has released their own browser - "Yahoo! Axis."
Will this move surprise the web users ?

With this new release, they have officially entered the browser market, which is predominantly reigned by tycoons like Google, Microsoft, Mozilla and Apple (iOS). I have to admit that this appears to be a confident move by the entire Yahoo! corporation.

Yahoo! Axis is a new kind of a browser which delivers a new dimension to your browsing experience. It is like having a visual picturization of the web content. It is currently available for iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch {App via-Apple Store} and is also available for your desktop as a browser extension / plug-in for Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Apple Safari.

The current minor disadvantage with this new browser is that it is not yet available for Android or Windows Phone users. The Android or Windows Phone users might have to wait for sometime.

Yahoo! has finally entered into the competitive web-browser game business. This browser gives new and quick access to the web search results by providing thumbnail previews in a panoramic fashion such that you do not have to leave your existing web page. This enables rich and quick exploration of the content in a better graphical order. This is an unconventional approach to the conventional search results adopted and integrated by Yahoo!

To me, it appears like Yahoo! did not want to become restricted to its search engine web tag. Furthermore, the fight to survive as a leading web browser has been going on for years which has also added to the confusion among the users for choosing the right kind of a browser. With the advent of Axis, it would be interesting to see what happens to the browser market share in the near future.

For more features and Axis details, visit Yahoo! Axis