Gendex GXDP-700 Series : New 3D Model Launched

Every dentist wants a great outcome for the procedures performed on the respective patients. The treatment procedure and outcome depends upon various factors. Today, I would like to mention about a newly launched product, Gendex GXDP-700, a digital extraoral imaging equipment.

 "Gendex" is a familiar name for any dentist and has also won several awards globally. It is mainly known for its use, reliability, user interface, innovation and extensive field testing. The Gendex GXDP-700 series is a 3 in 1 digital imaging system that helps in extensive diagnosis and treatment planning. This specific model is upgradeable to 3D SFOV (small field-of-view), ceph or both.

The overall upgrade options are as;
1. GXDP-700 C - Pan and Cephalometric
2. GXDP-700 S - Pan and 3D CBCT
3. GXDP-700C SC - Pan, 3D CBCT and Cephalometric

The 3D scan facilitates essential and crucial information about the diagnosis and treatment planning. Some of the stricking features of this system are as; Sophisticated design Ergonomic handgrips Adjustable head support Effortless controls Enhanced patient comfort Laser guided patient positioning Touchscreen SmartMotion Easyposition 2D or 3D Imaging. Watch the above video for more.